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Gaston Sendin, PhD

Director Discovery Research & Grants

Curriculum Vitae Gaston Sendin

Gaston Sendin is a biologist with 15-year experience in fundamental and pre-clinical research in sensory neuroscience, gathered through his work in laboratories across Argentina, Germany, UK, Netherlands, and France.  During his 7-year tenure as DEBRA Austria’s Research Manager, he led the prioritisation and selection of research to be funded by DEBRA. Besides managing the research portfolio, he implemented processes, mechanisms, and budget to support the wider EB-research ecosystem, working with biotech companies, academic researchers and other non-profit organisations. He also managed DEBRA’s MSAP and other advisory expert panels, provided strategic guidance to DEBRA Austria’s Board, coordinated the cooperation with EB House Austria-a center of expertise in EB- and proposed initiatives to advance research through to patient benefit.  In 2025, he was appointed Director of Discovery Research & Grants at DEBRA Research gGmbH.

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