DEBRA Research – Treatments for EB
As part of DEBRA Austria‘s mission we aim to achieve a world in which Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB) is curable.
DEBRA Research is a non-profit organization and operates worldwide as the research arm of DEBRA Austria. We focus on translational research and clinical development with the goal of creating therapies and cures for EB.
DEBRA Research
Mission & Vision
Our mission is to identify and advance the most promising approaches to alleviate symptoms and cure EB, and to promote, fund and manage projects to develop effective therapies for EB. We bring together the world’s best minds from academia, industry, regulatory bodies and patient support to achieve our goals.
In all our activities, we are guided by the idea of maximizing the benefits for EB patients.
Our vision is a world where EB is cureable.
The long-term goal is to find cures for all forms of this rare and serious group of diseases. Until safe and effective cures are routinely available, we will also seek to support and develop R&D programs to create therapies that offer clinically relevant improvements. Thus, our goal is to provide the best possible quality of life for all EB patients, in the near-term and in the future.